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Regional Pricing Information for Summer Springs Customers

Regional Pricing Information for Summer Springs Customers

At Summer Springs, we’re proud to deliver our high-quality spring water to homes and businesses across regional New South Wales. For new customers, we want to ensure you have clear information about our pricing in various regional areas as at 1 December 2024.

Regional Pricing Overview

For customers in the following locations, the pricing per 15L bottle is:

Cobar: $17.00
Cumnock: $15.50
Gulargambone: $16.00
Coonamble: $16.00
Coonabarabran: $18.50
Coolah: $18.50
Nyngan: $16.00
Trangie: $15.50
Trundle: $15.50
Warren: $15.50
Yeoval: $15.50

This list is not exhaustive, and prices may vary in other locations.

Understanding Regional Pricing

Regional pricing reflects the specific costs associated with servicing areas outside of major hubs. These considerations include:

  • Distance and Logistics: Delivering to remote areas requires longer travel routes and additional planning.
  • Operational Costs: Factors such as fuel and vehicle maintenance are taken into account to ensure reliable service to all locations.

Our pricing structure allows us to continue offering consistent and high-quality service while accommodating the unique challenges of regional deliveries.

For New Customers

If your location isn’t listed or you’re unsure about pricing in your area, contact us directly. Our team will be happy to confirm the pricing for your specific delivery location and answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for choosing Summer Springs for your water needs. We look forward to keeping you refreshed and hydrated wherever you are.

Your initial website order will be $14.50, however subsequent orders will be reflective of regional pricing.